Kate Lewis

Morning Find Sketch

July 2024 Morning Find Sketches

The Morning Find Sketch project is about seeking joy through nature and finding wonder in little things.

In the fall of 2018, I found myself being called to go on long walks through my neighborhood. As I began walking, I started to post Instagram stories of things that caught my eye — a flower, the lake’s waves, the lines of a building. After a few weeks of this, I decided to try not only taking photos and videos of these things but also painting and drawing them in a small sketchbook.

Over the years, I have found that I don’t need to take long walks to find something that piques my interest. I travel through my surroundings with a different perspective each morning, and it has been a wonderful gift. If I give myself a little time and focus, the natural world reveals her magic. I want to bring that magic to you. 

These sketches have been piling up in my studio since 2018, but no more! :) Since 2023, I have been creating them on watercolor paper instead of in a sketchbook to make them available for you!

At the end of each month, I will release a new series of sketches. August Morning Find Sketches will be available on Saturday, August 31st at 2 pm CST to my email list and 3 pm CST to the public.*  Get an early look at what’s coming by following my sketches on Instagram stories @katelewisart.

You can read more about my project in this and this journal post. I enjoy finding new discoveries in nature around my home in Tennessee. I hope you find the special things in them, too.


Get an early look at what’s coming by following my Instagram stories @katelewisart.

*Join my email list below to get first access to these one-of-a-kind sketches on August 31st!