Kate Lewis

Sketches Released on the Last Day of the Month for Email Subscribers (2PM CST) and Everyone (3PM CST)

In the Making: Floralscapes

Kate Lewis

The kids are back at in-person school, and so I'm soaking up long stretches of uninterrupted studio time for the first time in many, many, many months!

As someone who savors quiet, alone-time, you can imagine the last year and a half of remote learning; moving to TN after living in Chicago for 20 years plus undertaking a major home renovation has left very little room for quiet or being alone.


Now that this longed-for moment is here, I'm taking advantage of every second! What that looks like for me is deep stretches of creating. I'm drawn to any excuse to have beautiful flowers in my studio and home right now. So, I've started a painting series inspired by bouquets created by a local florist, Amelia's Flowers, in Franklin, TN.

This project is simple: I'm getting a new bouquet every week and painting. I'm staying loose and looking at the flowers as an abstract, flowy floral landscape. It's hard to translate into words the images I see in my head, so I'm sketching, drawing, and painting to get them out on paper and canvas.

You're seeing the beginnings of what's emerging. I'm excited by this project and look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks. If you’re interested in daily studio happenings, I’m sharing them on Instagram @katelewisart.


Below is a glimpse at my Instagram feed. :) @katelewisart

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